NEW Sto Fireblocking Solution to Meet 2022 New York City Building Code
Sto Products

Sto Gold Coat – Substrate Driven
Sto Gold Coat® is a vapor-permeable, fluid-applied air and water-resistive membrane. It can be installed according to one of three specifications depending on project requirements.
The Substrate-Driven specification matches Sto Gold Coat® thickness with substrate requirements. To optimize dry time on gypsum sheathing, minimum 10-mils wet film thickness is required. Sto Gold Coat is translucent when applied at 10-mils wet film thickness.
The Medium-Build specification requires 20-mils wet film thickness on gypsum sheathing. Sto Gold Coat is opaque when applied at 20-mils wet film thickness.
The High-Build specification requires 40-mils Sto Gold Coat wet film thickness for project teams that prefer a thicker membrane.
All three specifications provide a vapor-permeable air and water-resistive barrier that fully complies with ICC-ES AC212 and fire testing requirements.