NEW Sto Fireblocking Solution to Meet 2022 New York City Building Code

StoPowerwall® ci with Sto Fireblocking
StoPowerwall®ci with Sto Fireblocking is a premium integrated stucco wall system that complies with the 2022 NYC Building Code and includes R5.0 or R10 Sto GPS Board continuous exterior insulation. The system also incorporates a StoGuard® air and water-resistive barrier, a superior drainage plane, Sto DrainScreen, and Sto finishes.
System Bulletin
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Accessory Products
*Refer to Product Bulletin for specific information on the proper use, handling, application and limitations of StoSeal STPE Sealant.
System information:
Sheathing Joints and Corners, Flashing and
Rough Opening Protection, Penetrations: Sto RapidGuard®

StoPowerwall® ci – Outbound
Series: 63.xx
This stucco assembly incorporates a fluid applied air/moisture barrier, continuous insulation, code compliant paper or felt water-resistive barrier (WRB), drainage mat, code compliant metal plaster base and portland cement stucco, and Sto primers and finishes. The assembly complies with IBC and IRC building code requirements for use on on all Types (I-V) of construction. It has been tested in accordance with NFPA 285 and meets criteria for use on noncombustible construction (Types I-IV). It has also been evaluated in accordance with ASTM E 119 as a one hour non load bearing fire resistive rated wall assembly.