NEW Sto Fireblocking Solution to Meet 2022 New York City Building Code

StoTherm®ci GPS
StoTherm ci GPS is an EIFS with Drainage continuous insulation wall system. It is a durable and high-performance energy-efficient wall cladding that provides up to R56 continuous exterior insulation. It incorporates a StoGuard Air and Water-resistive Barrier (AWRB), along with high-performance Sto finishes in a fully tested wall cladding assembly.
Available options include Sto Fireblocking to meet the 2022 NYC Building Code and Sto Strike Defense for impact puncture resistance against blunt or sharp objects.
System Bulletin
Code & Test Reports
BIM Object
Accessory Products
*Refer to Product Bulletin for specific information on the proper use, handling, application and limitations of StoSeal STPE Sealant.
System information:
Sheathing Joints and Corners, Flashing and
Rough Opening Protection, Penetrations: Sto RapidGuard®