Specialty Finishes
StoColor Metallic
StoColor® Metallic offers the ability to achieve a metallic panel look with a variety of color and texture options. All 15 standard colors can be applied over smooth or textured surfaces offering the versatility to create a custom look while utilizing standard finishes. The coating system features StoColor Metallic Top Coat, a lightweight, breakthrough new acrylic-based coating with metallic effect pigments, applied over StoColor Metallic Base. It’s the combination of the two layers that creates the luminous depth, allowing subtle light-induced color shifts to produce a dynamic metal look. Used over prepared vertical, above grade StoTherm® ci Systems, StoVentec® Render Systems, and interior drywall surfaces, it offers the aesthetic appeal of metal panels at a fraction of the cost.
Associated Products
StoColor Metallic Bavarian Wheat Base: 32113 | Top Coat: 302

Sample Print Setup
For your convenience, you may add reference information to your sample print. Simply fill out the information below and it will appear on your sample print. The information is not required.
Please note that actual colors of manufactured products may vary slightly from this chart. Furthermore, samples may vary slightly in color and texture from production materials. It is always recommended to install a large sample wall area to assure desired results. All Sto products should be installed in accordance with Sto’s specifications and instructions. Improper use of Sto products or use as part of an improperly designed or constructed larger assembly or building may result in serious damage to Sto products, and to the structure of the building or its components. STO CORP. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED EXCEPT AS STATED IN THE LIMITED WARRANTIES ISSUED FOR ITS PRODUCTS.
See Sto Tech Hotline Nos. 0694-C for helpful tips on prevention of color problems.
For Continuous Insulation (ci) select colors with light reflectance value of 20 or greater.