StoPanel Classic NEXT ci

This lightweight prefabricated panel is both energy efficient and durable, with continuous insulation, StoGuard Air and Water-resistive Barrier (AWRB) and the patented “Sto Wedge” to provide an integral means of drainage. It can be finished with a wide variety of Sto’s premium, standard and specialty textured finishes.
Additional System Characteristics
Allowable Deflection: L/240 ci Material: EPS Available ci R-value R3.6 - R43 Typical wall thickness at minimum R-Value 1.375 Typical wall thickness at maximum R-Value 12.375 Construction Type I, II, III, IV, V Code Reports ICC ESR 4500 System NFPA 285 and Fire Resistance Compliance 12 in Approximate weight 2 lbs/ft2 Service life, years >50 Sustainability Air and Moisture Barrier System Defined drainage plane Yes - patented Sto Wedge Height Restrictions Fortification Layer: Fireblocking Cost $$$
System Documents
BrochuresStoPanel SystemsDetailsStoPanel Classic NEXT ci DetailCode & Test ReportsStoPanel Systems ICC Evaluation Report ESR-4500Environmental Product DeclarationsStoPanel Classic NEXT ci EPD - Documents